Being in the Flow of Life: Living in alignment with spiritual laws

On Zoom

Meeting ID: 829 7197 7761
Passcode: 481 435
Phone: +1 929 436 2866

A twice-monthly teaching led by JoAnn Brickley on the second and fourth Monday.

The guide says (PWL#127): “Fully knowing one truth is knowing all truth.” The Spiritual Laws are truth. By being in alignment with one spiritual law, we gain access to all Spiritual Law.

Join us for an informative and informal study of the 171 Spiritual Laws as they are found in Pathwork lectures. Whether or not we are conscious of them, we suffer when we break Spiritual Laws (or you could say, when we are suffering, it’s because we have broken Spiritual Law). By bringing these laws into our awareness, we can learn how to follow the flow of life with less suffering and more joy. This is our birthright.

Regular attendance is encouraged and not required. Registration not required.

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