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Bill Weil, Author at Pittsburgh Pathwork

My Experience on the Path – by Angela Shearon

Hello. My name is Angela. I was introduced into Pathwork in the fall of 2019 and have been working the path since then, close to five years now. My long-term pain: In my youth until now, I have always had a sense of a darkness, a block in the center of my being that I …

New Group Forming: Spiritually Confronting White Privilege

Why Now? “My participation in Lorraine Marino’s Whites Confronting Racism workshops made me aware of how much I wasn’t aware of my anger, fear, lack of knowledge regarding the accurate history, and white privilege that support racial injustice. This parallels my experience of Sue Van Doeren’s Pathwork teachings that helped me become more conscious of …

The Calling Forth – The Full Story

On the weekend of May 8, 9, and 10, the Helpers-in-Training of the Pittsburgh Pathwork gathered on Zoom with Sue Van Doeren and the members of the Pittsburgh Pathwork Board of Directors for the Calling Forth of a new Spiritual Director. The process was facilitated and guided by Lorraine Marino who is the brilliant Helpership …

Autumn Prayer

Chrysanthemums are replacing the petunias at the farmers’ markets, and the open-aired bins are filled with brightly-colored, plump tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and the sweetest of fresh corn. The time of ripening and unfolding is at hand. Through the connection with the sun, the soil and the water – the rhythms of creation, life has unfolded …

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