- Do you have issues in relationships with your family, partner, job, and/or community?
- Do you find it hard to accept criticism or praise?
- Do you want to give and receive more love in your life?
- Do you desire a greater sense of community and connection?
- Do you feel like you’re missing out on the best life has to offer?
- Do you desire a deeper relationship with Spirit (in whatever way you understand that — for example, God, the Universe, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Source)?
- Enhance relationships with self and others
- Increase confidence
- Open up to receiving positive feelings
- Manage upsets in a healthier way
- Live more fully
Religious and non-religious Pathworkers alike typically develop a more powerful and meaningful relationship with Spirit and feel more at ease in and more connected with their community.
If you want to give your best to life, and experience the best life has to offer, Pathwork is a powerful tool to help you get there.
Find out more on our website:
Pathwork is a body of practical spiritual wisdom interspersed with psychological insights. It was developed in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s by Eva Pierrakos.
The material is interpreted and delivered by trained Pathwork teachers both here in Pittsburgh and around the globe via lectures, workshops, and study groups.
Pathwork principles are not doctrine or religion – not “something to believe.” Rather, they are practical concepts to try on in our own personal way.
As we peel back layers of defense learned long ago, we uncover our Real Self – the authentic, divine essence that lives within each of us. This journey fosters a deeper, more loving connection with ourselves, others, and Spirit, promoting overall well-being and personal growth.
Find out more on our website: